El proyecto de Tucana nace con un objetivo muy claro: darle la vuelta al ocio gastronómico y sorprender a uno de los públicos más exigentes del panorama mundial actual como es la ciudad de Madrid. En un entorno tan especial y desafiante, hemos querido poner toda la carne en el asador con un proyecto culinario distinto y sorprendente que no va a dejar indiferente a nadie.

The Tucana project was born with a very clear objective: to turn gastronomic leisure around and surprise one of the most demanding audiences of the current world scene as is the city of Madrid. In such a special and challenging environment, we wanted to put all the meat on the grill with a different and surprising culinary project that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Using the Pan-American Route as a backdrop – one of the longest roads in the world that crosses the vast American continent from north to south – our cuisine will transport everyone who sits at our table to places as gastronomically interesting as Mexico, the United States or Brazil. But Tucana does not stop here; this is not a restaurant for purists and all our dishes, having a very specific root, are a creative and fun reinterpretation of the originals.

Through our dining room we want to transport the diner to an environment based on the art deco of the early twentieth century (closely linked to the most North American part of Tucana) with elements of Aztec art that take us to the southernmost part of the great Pan American Route.

In Tucana, as it could not be otherwise, you will not only be able to eat: we want all your senses to be, in some way, altered. Here you will laugh, dance, learn and above all ENJOY. We want our guests to come to dinner and stay to dance with us in nights that, we are sure, will be unforgettable.